Insurance Regulatory Compliance for Worcester, Massachusetts

Insurance Regulatory Compliance for Worcester, MassachusettsWhen it comes to insurance regulatory compliance for Worcester, Massachusetts companies, there’s a lot on the compliance team’s plate. Constantly changing regulations across dozens of states and lines of business makes keeping track of compliance requirements and potential violations difficult.

Often, advice from an outside expert on how to assess, design, and improve your compliance programs pays off. That’s why top property and casualty insurers looking for insurance regulatory compliance services for Worcester, Massachusetts turn to the experts at Lou Penn & Associates for guidance and the popular Market Conduct Auditor® program. Lou Penn & Associates offers:

  • Insider knowledge: Lou Penn has decades of experience in the insurance regulatory compliance industry, including 20 years working for the New York, Florida, and Vermont state insurance departments. He knows what regulators are looking for and can help you minimize exposure.
  • Access to market conduct software: Market Conduct Auditor® makes it easier than ever for Worcester, Massachusetts companies to achieve insurance regulatory compliance for Worcester, Massachusetts. This sophisticated web-based software will show you compliance requirements and identify violations with just a few clicks.
  • Comprehensive services: Lou Penn & Associates are experts at designing insurance regulatory compliance programs for Worcester, Massachusetts as well as performing mock audits, preparing for re-exams, delivering seminars, and general consultation.

Lou Penn & Associates and their revolutionary Market Conduct Auditor® software will compliment your current compliance activities and eliminate the expense of timely research. Lou Penn himself has been on both sides of market conduct exams and this is your opportunity to put his expertise to work protecting your company.

Worcester, Massachusetts companies with insurance regulatory compliance questions, should call Lou Penn & Associates at 866-458-4333 or fill out this form to get a demo of the Market Conduct Auditor® software.

Contact us today!