Take the Complicated out of Compliance

Savvy compliance teams rely on Market Conduct Auditor® software to deliver unparalleled access to market conduct exam data. Identify top compliance risks more quickly, saving time, resources, and money.

Decades of Insurance Compliance Expertise at Your Fingertips

Since 1993, Lou Penn & Associates, Inc. has been providing regulatory compliance services to insurance companies of all sizes. 

 Our clients trust us to:

  • Deliver educational seminars to compliance teams 
  • Develop market conduct compliance manuals
  • Perform mock audits
  • Simplify the examination process with market conduct auditing tools like our popular Market Conduct Auditor

Market Conduct Auditor® Software is the Key

Your compliance department is under more pressure than ever. Not only from state regulators, but also from internal stakeholders and board of directors. Combine that with the fact that traditional approaches to compliance don’t provide the speed or level of insight you need to make smart business decisions and it’s time for a change.

Market Conduct Auditor® software is the answer you need. It enhances the effectiveness of your company’s existing compliance efforts and brings all the data you need together in one, easy-to-use system.

Seeing is believing. That’s why our team can create a customized one-or-two day seminar for a particular state and line of business. Delivered online or in-person, the seminar will demonstrate how the Market Conduct Auditor® can be used to:

  • Monitor overall market conduct compliance efforts
  • Identify areas of the business that are at increased risk
  • Access violations and criticisms
  • Create and perform self-audits
  • Review state requirements
  • Enhance reporting and transparency efforts

Zero In On Exactly What Your Compliance Program Needs

Unlike other market conduct compliance software on the market, Lou Penn & Associates’ Market Conduct Auditor® software brings together all relevant regulatory data in one system. What truly sets it apart is the sophisticated drill-down search methodology. You can narrow your searches by: 

  State – All 50 states
  Line of Business
  Subline of Business

 Compliance Item
 Detail Item


Lou Penn CIE, MCM, CLTC has had an extensive career in the insurance compliance arena. After spending 20 years in state service with the New York, Florida and Vermont insurance Departments, he started his own business, and was instrumental in setting up compliance departments at large national insurers. Lou was the original creator of a leading insurance market conduct compliance software product called Complianceware®, currently being sold today. Now he has created another market conduct compliance product called Market Conduct Auditor®.

Lou Penn